Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Camera Shots Quiz

    For the camera shots quiz assignment students had to group in pairs of two, and take 15 camera shots of an inanimate object and create a story using the different camera angles and shot types.

    For my story my partner and I were brainstorming trying to figure out what to do and we stumbled on the idea of a love story but with a twist. This idea led us to create a movie where the main two characters are in love and then one of them cheats leading one of the main characters doing something catastrophic.

    For this project I think taking the pictures was what I did best in. As well as the arrangement of the characters. I feel like the way they were portrayed really allowed the story to flow and go smoothly. However, something I need to improve in is describing why the camera shots are used. I say this because I feel like I didn't fully describe why the specific shot was used causing the storyline to not be as good.


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