Thursday, October 31, 2024

                                        Genre Research Analysis
    Genre- Horror

    Target Audience: The target audience for horror films is typically 15 to 24 years old and male, but it can vary depending on the film and its marketing

    Genre conventions (Content): dark settings, mysterious and intimidating villains/antagonists, disturbing sounds, usually a few jump scares, a ton of fear and screaming, a lot of blood, violence and weapons, there is also a lot of black and red colors worn by the killer

    Genre conventions (Production Technique): Low key lighting(for shadows), lots of close-up shots to intensify the characters fear and wide shots of the characters to portray their isolation, a bunch of handheld camera shots to create a sense of unease, and the use of red or black colors in the set design.

    Institutional Convention: Horror films are usually marketed using Word-of-mouth, where horror fans are encouraged to share their thoughts with others. Virtual reality, where the horror films have incorporated virtual reality experiences into their marketing campaigns, allowing audiences to explore locations relevant to the film's story. Press junkets, where the film promotion often includes press releases, advertising campaigns, interviews with the film's actors and directors, and merchandising. Missing person flyers, where missing person flyers may be used to market horror films. Fake police reports, where horror movies may be marketed by publishing fake police reports.

    Film Sample #1: The movie "IT" is a good sense of a horror film. The main character of the film is a scary clown, who's a killer. Also, Pennywise has the color red on his face as well as the red balloon he carries around. This color scheme shows how he's a dangerous being. The dark scenes in the movie also help embody that this film is a horror film. This film also has jump scares and jump cuts. On top of that, there's also some gory scenes and weapons.
    Film Sample #2: Another great film that embodies the horror genre is "The Conjuring". The dim lighting throughout this movie as well as the use of wide shots helped establish that sense of isolation and suspense, and the jump scares created that fear and intimidation. The gore and the black clothing from the "demon" also helps with establishing that horror.

A couple more Horror films include:

                                                                 The Shining


                                                                A Quiet Place



Thursday, October 10, 2024


     During this project I learned all about the different types of sound and how they're used. Because of sound there's a more emotional impact to the film and allows for the film to be more watchable for the audience. I also learned that the only sound that is captured during the filming production is the dialogue and the sound effects are made last and are called Foley sounds. Although sound doesn't seem like a big deal, it's one of the most important parts of the film.

    The directions for this project were to create a scene with a minimum time of 1 minute and maximum time of 2 minutes. This scene should display something that could occur in a literal 1-2 minute times span, with only the use of sounds, no visuals. During this scene groups were allowed to incorporate the use of dialogue, but there was a maximum of 7 words. Groups also had to create a minimum of 4 Foley sounds. After the project is complete the groups must turn in three files, a completely edited sound file of the scene, a movie file of the four "Foley stage" sounds, and a file with 1-3 images of the editing timeline.

    During the brainstorming part of the project my partner and I had to figure out what we wanted our scene to be and after we established that we tried to picture all of the sounds you would hear, for our particular scene. The outlined contributed a lot to the organization of our sounds because we were able to get the idea of how we wanted to order our sounds. The editing resource that I utilized was Adobe Premiere.

    What I thought was done well was the Foley sounds, because they sounded very similar to their actual sounds. I also thought that the the sound effects I chose were well for my project. What I think I could've done better is the layering of my sounds. I didn't do too bad but I definitely think it could be improved.

Link to project:

CCR #1

          Hello again Blog, today I'm talking about CCR question number one. What does CCR mean?, well it stands for creative critical r...