Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Audio Pt.2

         Hello. I know that by the look of this it seems confusing, but I plan on continuing to talk about audio, except about which types of sound I want to include into my scene. Since my my scene is golf related I need to utilize sounds that would be heard at a golf course or around a golf course.


    There are many sounds when it comes to a golf course however I'm only going to talk about the ones that I'm using in my project. First and foremost the sound of a golf ball being struck by a club. This sound is one of the most heard sounds at a golf course other then the sound of a golf cart. I'm also going to be using a sound of golf a cart driving and stopping because of the golfers that go from the shop to the actual course. Next I'm going to record a sound of a door being opened and closed because of the pro shop and sounds of chit chat from the other workers in the pro shop. There are many other main sounds I plan on including in my project, but they're more background sounds. The video above has a lot of sounds about the striking of a golf ball which will be very useful when I'm picking the correct sound or creating a Foley.    

            Now for the background sounds, there isn't a whole bunch, however they still need to be noticed and used to seem as real as possible. When playing golf if you just sit and listen you can hear so much. For example, for those people that play really early in the morning you would hear a bunch of birds singing and being loud or the sounds of cars rushing past the course to get to work. Furthermore, a golfer who plays later in the day would hear much more balls being struck and chit chat in the air. Occasionally a golfer might hear the word ''FORE", however it's not a very good thing to hear. I would like to add it to my film for a comedic effect and to create a humorous mood. For all of the other sounds it would be a nice touch because they make the film just have that extra pizazz and realism.

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