Thursday, March 6, 2025


         During the production process of my film opening I had a lot of mess ups. At first I was mad because I messed up so much, but after looking back at them they helped me shape and create a better film opening. Messing up my lines or doing something wrong helped me to be more determined to do better. The next shot or few shots after that I put more focus and meaning behind the words and actions I was doing. 

         I also believe that the bloopers helped create a better and more fun experience for me. If i didn’t have bloopers I might’ve gone crazy because filming would’ve felt so boring and unlively. After a few shots I probably would’ve stopped and quit because I wouldn’t have had the determination to finish.

These are just a few of the many bloopers that I’ve come across but they’re also the ones I like the most. Not only has creating this film been a learning experience but it has also been a memorable experience. My brother and I have bonded so much over the creation of this project, so I’m glad that I was able to do it.

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