Saturday, February 15, 2025

Media Theories

         Media theories are used to explore the relationship between people and media. There are many different media theories in the media sphere however I must only pick one to integrate into my project. Even before this project my teacher had us working on media theories by adding them to our essays. So I have some experience in this field.

        Out of these media theories the one that stuck out to me most was the character theory. I say this because I have seen this theory so much throughout the stories that I have read and consumed. This is also the media theory that I understand the most. I tried to understand all of the other theories but they were confusing to me. Also it would be easy to include the character theory because in order for their to be a film the characters need to have roles. I was also considering doing binary opposition theory but I don't know how I would add this to my project. Although if I found a way it would be a great addition to my project. I hope that my prior knowledge of the character theory will be enough when I add it to my project. Having something that the audience knows such as the character theory will boost my film by allowing the audience to have more relation to it.

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