Friday, February 14, 2025


         Well now that I have my plot done I can create a storyboard! Storyboarding is fantastic because it gives a visual for your film so that you can map it out. Storyboarding also helps you organize your ideas together. The great thing about storyboarding is that it's like a rough draft for your film and you don't have to be good at drawing either. The neat thing about storyboards is that they can also be used as a basis when it comes to the actual filming of the movie.

        Storyboards can be hard to layout if you don't what type of shots you want to use. Although it may seem stressful useless to create a storyboard, it's actually quite important and fun, because you are able to see your ideas come to life. While creating my storyboard I had a little trouble, because I wasn't entirely sure what shots I wanted to use. For now I decided on simple ones, but when I start filming I want to look more into diverse and unique camera shots, so that my opening isn't boring.

       My storyboard doesn't have a lot but it's just a rough draft and I intend to have more. What I added is mostly the main parts of the opening and It was just a quick sketch. Doing this activity allowed me to put into perspective how I need to use camera angles and shots wisely in my project.

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